a little more about us
We believe that to worship Go​d means to take His Word, the Bible, seriously. Our aim is to make the Bible the central place from which we take our teaching and direction for corporate and individual life.
We are a combined fellowship under the banners of the Baptist Church of Victoria and the Christian Community Churches of Victoria & Tasmania.​​
ministry groups and services
Home Groups: Our small groups are designed with the purpose of connecting with each other and studying the Word. We meet weekly or fortnightly.
Young at Heart: Join for dinner or an outing. These golden oldies usually meet once a month.
Kid's Church: We provide activities, Bible stories, games and songs for primary school aged children during the church service in the youth hall.
Spafford House: We offer accommodation in the house next door which can be booked by anyone via airbnb. Bookings help provide funds for when the house is needed for emergency accommodation (up to two weeks).
Barnabas Aid: We are a Food Gives collection point, so collect a box from us, fill and return it and we will have it shipped to hungry Christians in places of pressure and persecution.
Facility hire: Our beautiful and spacious chapel, hall, kitchen, and/or dining area are available for use. Speak to Jolanda on 0428 550 189 for enquiries.